Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sidang Akademi - Book Review To Rest Our Mindset


Name                           : Paulus Eko Harsanto
Class / number             : KPA / 6
Date                            : 6th September 2012
Performance                : Book review

To friar Palma as the moderator, chairpersons, and all of the audience, good evening. First of all, I would like to give thanks to our Lord, Jesus Christ, who had given so much blessing so I could finish my paper well.
In this opportunity, I got book review as my performance. So, I tried to find a good book to be reviewed not only for me, but also for us as the seminarians. Based on that, I found a good and valuable book: “Mindset Therapy”, a book about how to fix our mindset better than before.
I thought it’s important for us to fix our mindset. So, I’ll present this review for you. Please, enjoy it.

To Reset Our Mindset
Title                 : Mindset Therapy
              Terapi Pola Pikir, tentang makna Learn, Unlearn, dan Relearn
Author             : Harefa, Andrias
Publisher         : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2010
Thickness        : 147 pages
The illiterate of the 21st century will no be those who cannot read and write
but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
(Alvin Toffler)

What is the meaning of that quotation? It is that the dumb persons in this era nowadays will be those who are not willing to fix their own mindset. They are stubborn, bad behaved, and also have wrong mindset about many things such as attitude, life, feeling, living values, etc.
Are we included of those people? Of course, all of us don’t want to be one of those. But as normal and natural humans, we have to admit that we also have some weakness which are related to our wrong mindset, such as our way to see somebody not from the outside (clothes enchantment), but from the inside (character enchantment).  We often see and judge somebody just from the outside, meanwhile, the right way is by seeing the inside, or the character. That’s one of many other weakness that we have, which are related to our mindset.
The point is that people nowadays have to fix their mindset to be better than before. But how? All us agree that it’s not easy to fix our mindset, especially because we are not innocent children anymore. So, how do we do that?
“Mindset Therapy” tells all about it. Andrias Harefa, the author of this book, answer the question by showing the new meaning of learning, they are learning, unlearning and relearning. He shows us that it’s possible for us to fix our mindset to be better than before, so we shall not be one of “the illiterate of the 21st century”.

Mindset Therapy : a kind of pattern
Harefa introducts three matters of Mindset Therapy: learning, unlearning and relearning. What are they? All of us know the meaning of learning, it’s about a process in gathering, collecting and getting something (in this matter: knowledge, skill, living values, etc.). learning is more suitable with children, who need to get those important matters as much as they can. It's also suitable for us, because we know that we can learn and also need to learn many things as long as we live. But as mature persons, we have to understand it more widely and deeply as another process: unlearning and relearning.
If learning means building construction process of mindset, oppositely, unlearning means the deconstruction process of it. By doing unlearning, we can deconstruct our old, expired or even bad and wrong matters, such as wrong knowledge, wrong paradigm, “expired” traditional living values, etc. For example: long time ago, Roman Catholic Church believed that there were no salvation outside of the church. But few decade after, Roman Catholic Church aware that it's a wrong doctrine. So, they tried to fix it with a new better doctrine by doing council about it. In this case, Roman Catholic Church had unlearned their old expired doctrine and tried to fix it by founding a new better doctrine about salvation. And, you know what? It's also about fixing their mindset.
After that, the second stage is relearning. What is it? It's a reconstruction process of mindset. By doing relearning, we can reconstruct what we have unlearned with new better matters to build a better mindset. For example: after the council of the doctrine about salvation, Roman Catholic Church found a new better doctrine which told that there were also salvation outside of the church. They replaced the old doctrine with this new, better and universal doctrine. So, Roman Catholic Church had relearned a new better doctrine in order to fix their mindset about salvation.
Those are the meaning of learning, unlearning and relearning which are explained by Harefa. They are arranged and structured into a creative patterned process: awareness, training and customization.
1.                  Awareness
            First of all, Harefa invites us to aware that we have to do mindset therapy because             of our apprehensive mindset. This stage plays an important role to build readiness of        mind, heart and intention before doing learning, unlearning and relearning process.
2.                  Training
            The second stage is training. We do the learning, unlearning and relearning             process in this stage and train our self in order to understand what we learn. It makes        somebody from unable person to be an able person, and unskilled person to be skilled           person.

3.                  Customization
            The last stage is customization. It's important to make the new better matters          skill, knowledge, attitude, etc.) as part of our life, or as one of our habits. So, it will be          crystal in our mindset.
Those stage are arranged in a creative and productive cycle and pattern. We can do it again, again and again continuously, so it will be a kind of learning cycle.

Good Mindset : the main content
Mindset therapy consists of three matters, they are learning, unlearning and relearning. So, are those all the content of this book? No, they are not. Those matters are introducted by Harefa not as the main content of this book. They are just the preface of this book as guide for us  to do mindset therapy. So, what is the main content of this book?
It's good mindset. Harefa filled this book with his notes about many things, such as character, attitude, living values, and of course, mindset. Those notes have a role in building a good mindset. So, the point is good mindset.
Harefa wisely put himself not as a stiff mindset therapist, but as a friendly readers' friend. He only introducts the way to fix our mindset and his notes about many good things to build a good mindset too. He invites us to do mindset therapy and know about the right and better mindset from him. Rest of it? It depends on our self, either we do that, or not. He smoothly tells about many good things and right mindset, and also smoothly reaches many of our problems which are related to our mindset, in order to make us interested to do mindset therapy by our self.
Mindset therapy is a very good book for us in order to fix our mindset. By reading it, we will know many good things such as living values, good paradigm, etc., or even new good matter for us who have learned so many things which are able to be “expired”.
So, let's reset our mindset!

Closing and Reflection

“Mengapa orang dewasa perlu terus belajar dalam arti unlearn dan relearn? Jawaban paling sederhana yang saya pahami adalah agar tujuan pembelajaran itu tercapai, yakni manusia menjadi dirinya yang terbaik, manusia menjadi manusiawi sebagaiman ia diciptakan oleh Tuhan Allah.”
(Andrias Harefa, Mindset Therapy page xi)

That quotation shows Harefa’s purpose : he wants us to be more humane humans. For him, it means to put our human being in the right position of the ordo creatio  hierarchy: God, humans, and universe. In that hierarchy, we have to put our self under of God’s authority and above the universe. We shall not put our self under the others (for example: admiring or even respecting someone more than God) or even put our self under the universe (for example: respecting money more than God). We have to put our self in the right position, and Harefa struggles it by this book.
As seminarians, we are educated to be more humane humans too. We are educated under the formation process which are based on “Three-S Multidimensional Values: Sanctitas, Sanitas, Scientia”. The purpose of that kind of education is to create seminarians with good character, good attitude and also good behavior, so we will be well qualified priests in the future. So, it means that we are educated to have a good mindset too.
Once again, as natural humans, we have to admit that we also have some weakness which are related to our wrong mindset, especially because we are still young and need to fix our self as long as we live. Yes, we are still young. So, we still have much time to fix our mindset for fulfilling the purpose of 3S Multidimensional education in Seminary. We have to do mindset therapy to fulfill that purpose. How can we be good and wise priests, if we have bad or even worse mindset?
So, once again, let’s reset our mindset.
That’s all of my performance. I’m sorry for all of my fault in this opportunity. I ask you to give me suggestion to fix my performance, so I can make my next performance to be better than now. Thank you.


Illiterate           : buta huruf
Dumb              : dungu, bodoh
Stubborn         : keras kepala
Enchantment   : pesona
Innocent          : tidak berdosa
Salvation         : keselamatan
Matter             : hal, perihal
Apprehensive  : memprihatinkan
Smooth            : mulus
Human being   : insan manusia
Humane           : manusiawi

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