Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sidang Akademi - Public Speaking Promotion


Name               : Paulus Eko Harsanto
Class/Absent   : KPA/6
Date                : 16th November 2012
Performance    : Promotion
Setting             : “Fighting against global warming” event in Ambarukmo Plaza, Jogjakarta.

Good evening Father Benito as moderator, the chair persons, and all of the audience. First of all I give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ who had given me so much blessing so I could finish this paper and also prepare my performance well. This is my first performance in X class, and I’m glad to receive promotion in English as my performance in this first opportunity.
In this opportunity, I will perform a promotion about Javanese culture as a solution for global warming. I choose this uncommon promotion because I have a worry about global warming, a dangerous global problem in this era. I think Javanese culture has a lot of solution for it as the solution for global warming problem.
Please, enjoy it.

Global warming? Bablas panase!

(Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the branch manager of Javanese culture and nature research in Jogjakarta, Mr. Joe!)
Global warming? Bablas panase!
Ha, ha, thank you Master of Ceremony. Good evening everybody! How are you today? Fine, aren’t you? Yeah, I’m sure that you’re fine this evening, I can see it from your fresh face. My name’s Joe, and I’m working as the branch manager of Javanese culture and nature research in Jogjakarta.
By the way, do you feel hot? I think all of us agree that the weather is very hot in this few days. But in fact, this is warm season! It’s weird, isn’t it? Can you guess, what is the cause of this weird weather?
The cause is global warming.
We are here to discuss about this problem. We are already know about this global problem in this era. It is also known as green house effect which happens on earth. Gobal warming makes us suffered with many disaster such as flood, unpredictable season, etc. I have a worry about this. Will we be trapped in this kind of situation all the time? Let’s imagine it together; flood everywhere, hot temperature and unpredictable season, all the day! It’s horrified, isn’t it? More over, it happens because of our own bad behavior! We use cars and motorcycles which could make horrible pollution with its emission and consume junk food such as KFC and Mr. Burger which use plastic as its wrap (as you know, those plastic will be burned at last and it will damage the ozone and make the problem to be more serious). There are still many other things that cause global warming such as illegal tree cutting, but those two behaviors (cars using and junk food consuming) are more often done by our self. What a shame…
We have to get out from this problem. We need a solution. What is it? It’s our culture, Javanese culture. Yap, I want to promote you our own culture. It sounds weird, doesn’t it? But trust me, our beloved Javanese culture will give us good solution for this problem, especially for us who often use cars and consume junk food almost the day.
Javanese culture is friendly with our nature. Many things prove it. Javanese culture give special place for nature in the daily life, we can see it in almost of its traditional ritual such as adus kembang, sekaten, labuhan, etc. There are still many other things which can prove it, and those are enough for us to prove that this culture is friendly with our nature. More over, this culture doesn’t make any bad behavior which could make global warming effect such as illegal tree cutting and air polluting.
Now let’s back to the problem. Our problem as common people which is related to global warming problem is our bad behavior, and two of those bad behavior which are often done by us are cars – motorcycles using and junk food consuming. Javanese culture offers very good solutions for those problems. Let’s see it one by one.

Javanese Traditional Food VS Junk Food
As we know almost of us love junk food almost like we love our self. We eat it all the day and make it as our daily menu. There are so many junk food restaurant nowadays such as KFC, Mr. Burger, etc.
We eat junk food innocently. Why? Because we eat it without caring about the side effect of it. As we know, almost junk food use plastic as its wrap. They also use tissue which is created from tree, stereo foam, etc. What does it mean? It means that there will be more many illegal tree cutting and plastic burning happened! And as we know, it will make the global warming problem to be more serious with its side effects such as air pollution, lesser amount of trees, etc.

Description: gudegjogja.jpgOppositely, Javanese food doesn’t make those horrible side effects. Javanese food such as gudeg, semar mendem and soto consist of natural food stuff and also use natural stuff as its complement such as banana leaf as its wrap, bamboo stick as its skewer, etc. So, those stuff are biodegradable. They don’t need to be burned, and it means that they don’t make any pollution. It’s great, isn’t it? More over, Javanese traditional food is also more healthy than junk food which contains so many chemical food stuff! And trust me, it’s also more tasty than junk food.

Description: gudeg-pawon-blog.jpgSo, the conclusion is that Javanese food is more friendly with our nature than junk food. Eating Javanese food is same with living and caring our nature. So, I promote you this and invite you to eat Javanese traditional food and suggest you to avoid or even remove junk food in our daily life.

Javanese Traditional Transportation VS Modern Transportation
Description: onthel01.jpgHow do we go to school? How do we go to work every day? Walking? Cycling?
I guess not. I think all of us agree that we usually use modern transportation such as bus, car and motorcycle to go somewhere every day, and it becomes to be our habit. Almost modern transportation are makes pollutant from their emission. They raise the temperature and pollute the air with their emission. Those emission also damage the ozone, and it makes the global warming problem to be more serious.
Javanese transportation gives solution for it. It offers traditional vehicle which doesn’t make any pollution or even raise the temperature such as andong and onthel bicycle. More over, these kind of transportation also makes us healthy such as onthel bicycle.
Description: mawbike.jpgMaybe we can’t use these traditional transportation all the day (as we know, we can’t go to the office in the morning by andong) but at least we can use it at weekend or in our holiday. Now let’s imagine, how many gas pollution will be reduce if we use onthel as our main transportation? A lot of gas of course!
So, why not?

Gentlemen, our culture give us the best solution for our problem according to the global warming and our bad behavior. I promote it right now and invite you to join with us in our effort living our culture and fighting against global warming. I hope you are brave enough to join with us. Thank you for all of your attention, and last but not least,
Matur nuwun, berkah dalem.

That’s all of my performance. Thank you for all your attention to my performance in this evening. I’m sorry for all mistakes that I have done in my performance. I’m ready to accept criticisms and suggestions from you, and I hope that I  could fix my next performance with all of those criticisms and suggestions.

Global warming happens because of our own bad behavior. It means that we ruin our own life innocently, and it happens around the world. How do we fix it? We can fix it with fixing our own behavior. That’s why I choose to promote and offer the Javanese culture as the solution for global warming which is caused by our own bad behavior. Yap, this culture can help us repairing our bad behavior.
As a seminarians, I aware that I have done a lot of bad behavior which could destruct my own life in seminary such as makar, nyambi, neglecting my assignments, etc. Those behaviors successfully ruin my life in seminary; my assignments pile up one by one, my spiritual life is neglected, etc. So I have ruin my own life in seminary, just like the people who ruin their own life with causing global warming by their own bad behavior.
What should I do?
I should fix my behavior. I have to back to my true life as a seminarian. I have to work optimally, do my reflection seriously, obey the seminary’s rule totally, etc. I have to build good character in myself. That’s the only way for me to fix my behavior. Now I will try to do it, right now.
Just do it!

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